Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures

Science in the Media - Session 1: Swift & Suzaku Research

Swift Satellite
Artist's conception the Swift satellite.
Credits: NASA E/PO, Sonoma State University, Aurore Simonnet
Suzaku Satellite
Artist's conception the Suzaku satellite.
Credits: JAXA


Astronomers use data from many satellites. Today you will learn about two of them: Swift and Suzaku. Use the links below to answer questions about these two satellites. Be sure to note which web site(s) you've used to answer each question, in case you need to go back for more information.


Questions to answer

  1. How do we "see" X-rays?
  2. What is the Swift satellite and what information can it provide?
  3. What kinds of objects does Swift study?
  4. What band of X-rays can Swift detect?
  5. What is Suzaku and what information can it provide?
  6. What kinds of objects does Suzaku study?
  7. What band of X-rays can Suzaku detect?
  8. What is the X-ray background?