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Black Holes - Page 18

When dividing, the powers of 10 are subtracted.

= 2x104
To calculate the density of an object the following equation is used:

D = M/V

where D = density, M = mass, and V = volume.

  1. Calculate the density of the Sun.
     mass = 1.989x1033g  volume = 1.41x1033 cm3

  2. Calculate the density of a white dwarf star.
     mass = 1x1033 g  volume = 5.23x1026 cm3

  3. Calculate the mass of a neutron star.
     density = 6.55x1014 g/ cm3  volume = 3.05x1018 cm3

A teaspoon has a volume of 1.5 cm3. Using the density in problems 7, 8, and 9 above, determine how much mass would be contained in 5 teaspoons of each object.

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