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Black Holes - Page 6


In each block you will find a letter and its value. For each word, add the value of the letters. Your mission is to find the sum of each word. Example: black = 3+7+0+2+4 = 16

0 a 3 b 2 c 5 d 6 e 9 f 2 g
1 h 4 i 6 j 4 k 7 l 1 m 3 n
7 o 8 p 9 q 1 r 3 s 10 t 4 u
5 v 10 w 2 x 5 y 8 z 6 - *
  1. dust
  2. gas
  3. disk
  4. jets
  5. mass
  6. star
  7. Sun
  8. X-ray
  9. heat
  10. hole


  1. gravity
  2. quasar
  3. gamma-ray
  4. universe
  5. remnant

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