Imagine the Universe: Cosmic Elements Classroom Activities
What is Your Cosmic Connection to the Elements?
Classroom Activities
HTML versions and materials for selected activities in the booklet,as well as additional activities.
- Grandma's Apple Pie Students select an element found in an apple pie, and trace its history back to its origin, and describe its future.
- Student Handout
- Grading Guide
- Spectral Analysis Activities: Nickel-odeon and Analyze This In these two activities, students use a piano keyboard to model spectral lines as musical chords, and students become the spectral lines in a life-sized spectrum.
- What's Out There? Using jars containing different materials, students model the elemental abundances of objects in the Universe, and see how the abundances are determined.
- Teacher Guide
- Key for Students
- Element Connections Board Game A board game which tests students' knowldege of the elements and the processes which create them.
- Kinesthetic Big Bang Students assume the roles of particles and elements in the early universe.
- Teacher Guide
- Student Handout (PDF format, Word document)
- Student Quicknotes (PDF format, Word document)
- Student Quiz (PDF format, Word document)
- Cosmic Abundances This activity provides practice for reading and interpreting the logarithmic plot of solar system abundances.
- Student Handout (HTML format)
- Teacher Guide