The Hidden Lives of Galaxies - Classroom Activities
Activity #7 - Dark Matter Possibilities
In this activity, students investigate one specific topic related to dark matter using available resources. Students will organize their findings and present this information in a creative and engaging fashion.
Organize students into groups of about four students each. Assign each group one of the following topics related to dark matter (you may need to assign several groups to the same topic).
- Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs)
- Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs)
- Hydrogen Gas
- Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs)
The Student Instruction Sheet (see page 37) gives students a series of questions to guide the investigation of their topic. It also lists suggested resources to use. Ask students to gather their information, citing their sources in a bibliography. Allow one to two days for the students to carry out their research.
Ask students to prepare a presentation to the class. Some possible presentation formats are on the Student Instruction Sheet. Feel free, of course to suggest and/or encourage others.
A suggested rubric for assessment:
Criteria | 1 point | 2 points | 3 points | 4 points |
Answering Questions | Half of the questions are answered with little attempt for complete sentences and spelling. | Most questions are answered; most in complete sentences with correct spelling. | All questions are answered; most in complete sentences with correct spelling. | All questions are answered completely, in complete sentences with correct spelling. |
Citing Resources | At least one source is listed, using correct bibliography formatting. | At least two sources are listed, using correct bibliography formatting. | At least three sources are listed, using correct bibliography formatting. | At least four sources are listed, using correct bibliography formatting. |
Working in Groups | Group members are able to complete their research and complete the project. | Group members attempt working together with little teacher intervention. | Group members work effectively together with only one warning. | Group members work effectively together with no warnings. |
Presentation | One to two minutes long; half of the research information. | One to two minutes long; includes most of the research information. | 2 to 3 minutes long; includes all of the research information. | 3 to 5 minutes long; includes all of the research information. |
Creativity | No attempt to engage the audience is made. | Audience is engaged; no props are used. | Audience is engaged; one or two props are created/used. | Audience is engaged; several props are created/used. |