The Hidden Lives of Galaxies - Preface
WELCOME to the fourth in a series of posters and activity booklets produced in conjunction with the Imagine the Universe! Web site. The poster/booklet sets are intended to provide additional curriculum support materials for some of the subjects presented in the Web site. The information provided for the educator in the booklet is meant to give the necessary background information so that the topic can be taught confidently to the students. The activities can be used to engage and excite students about the topic of galaxies in a number of disciplines and ways. The booklet and all activities can be photocopied and distributed for educational, non-commercial purposes.
This booklet is intended to be used with the poster, "The Hidden Lives of Galaxies" (NASA # EW-2000-07-002-GSFC). To request a copy of the poster, write to us or download a full size pdf version (46 MB).
New to this poster/booklet set is the availability of color images for some of the activities. These are available for download from the Imagine the Universe Web site at
At the time of printing this booklet, a limited number of hard copies of the transparencies are available upon request by writing to us at
Also note that words in boldface are found in the glossary near the end of this booklet.
We thank Cheryl Niemela (Puyallup School District, WA) for valuable contributions and input to the revision of this booklet.
For additional materials and information, visit the Imagine the Universe! Web site at We also look forward to hearing your opinions about this poster/booklet set.