Outreach Documents

Fermi Paper Model
A model of Fermi that can be constructed out of paper. The PDF has complete instructions, definitions of Fermi components, and the model itself.
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Fermi Lithograph
A one-page lithograph with an artist's image of Fermi on the front and a description of Fermi on the back with an activity for students to do.
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Fermi Fact Sheet
A four-page color brochure describing the science of NASA's Fermi mission and providing information on what Fermi saw in it's first four years after launch.
Download PDF

Fermi Race Card Game
Who will be the first to build, launch and make observations with Fermi? The Fermi Race Card game challenges two teams of players to strategically maneuver to be the first to assemble the parts of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope satellite and then use it to observe five astronomical objects.
Download the files and instructions here.

Einstein@Home Postcard
Einstein@Home is a program that uses your computer's idle time to search for gravitational waves from spinning isolated compact objects (among which are pulsars) using data from the LIGO gravitational wave detector.
Download postcard (PDF)

Fermi Science Writer's Guide
Science writer's guide to everything you ever wanted to know about Fermi (formerly GLAST) and gamma-ray astronomy.
Download PDF

GLAST Brochure
A 12-page brochure with information about gamma-ray astronomy and the science that Fermi (formerly GLAST) enables.
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