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X-ray Transients: Quiz
X-ray Transients Quiz
The first recorded X-ray transient was called:
[A] Cygnus X-3
[B] Centaurus X-2
[C] Circinus X-1
In order to be considered as a transient, you must never reappear.
[A] True
[B] False
Most transients display the following characteristic:
[A] Correlation between recurrence time and outburst amplitude
[B] A slow rise in the amplitude followed by a rapid decay
[C] Large changes from its "normal" luminosity
[D] None of the above
Most transients are believed to be:
[A] A binary system containing a Be star and a neutron star
[B] A single massive star
[C] A black hole encountering an interstellar gas cloud
The key to what powers the generation of X-rays in transients is:
[A] The total stellar mass
[B] Abrupt change in the accretion rate of the compact object in the binary
[C] Location of the compact object relative to the galactic plane