How Gamma Rays are Generated - Try This!
How Gamma Rays are Generated
Try This!Fill in the crossword puzzle below based on your knowledge of gamma-ray generation.
Enter your answer for each clue in the box provided for you. At any time, you can press the button (found below all the clues) to add your answers to the crossword. To change a single word, go back to where you entered the word in the box, delete the incorrect text, enter the new word, and press the button to have it show up in the puzzle. Changes will only show up if they are done this way. They will not show up if the change is just made in the puzzle. If you need to start over, press the erase button. This will clear the entire puzzle.
If the computer beeps at you and refuses to accept any more input to an answer, you have entered more than the allowable number of letters for that answer!
Do not include spaces or hyphens in your answers.
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This activity was developed by Kim Cochrane, Bowie High School, Bowie Maryland.