Imagine the Universe: Life Cycles of Stars
Life Cycles of Stars
Information and Activity Books
Grades K-8
- Download a fullsize pdf version of the poster. (35 MB)
- HTML Activity Book
- PDF Activity Book
Grades 9-12
- Download a fullsize pdf version of the poster. (25 MB)
- HTML Activity Book
- PDF Activity Book
Supplemental Information
- Life Cycles of Stars Presentation:
- High Energy Groove X-Ray Binary Model
- Video about the Life Cycles of Stars:
- View and download via NASA eClips website this page also includes additional related links, information, and lesson plans
- View on YouTube
Each of us is made from star stuff. But how are stars formed? Take a closer look at the life cycles of stars and learn where stars come from, how they’ve changed, and what happens to stars when their lives come to an end. Find out about your connection to the cosmos.
Credit: NASA eClips
Credit: NASA eClips