Pilot Tests in 2006 and 2007
Some quotes from the facilitators:
- ". . . the program was very "hands on" . . . [with] many opportunities for group work and critical thinking which was an asset to the program."
- "Great program, great way to get 6th graders into science . . . "
- ". . . the 1) training 2) easy-to-follow curriculum and 3) support --- made teaching the lessons very successful."
- "The manual was excellent --- I really appreciated the links to extra information when I needed it."
- "I found myself becoming more interested in these topics as well."
- "I was more enthused about astronomy because I now have a better understanding."
- ". . . thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an outstanding program. It was my pleasure."
- "My objectives were met!"
- "I felt empowered at the end because they walked away with so much knowledge --- during the summer at that!"
Some quotes from the children:
- "I would want to go into space." --- 11-year-old
- "I like everything in this class." --- 10-year-old
- "It changed my idea of how big the Universe really is." --- 18-year-old
- "The planets in space [---] it was different than I imagine[d] it." --- 14-year-old
- "My favorite part was . . . all of it." --- 14-year-old
- "I learn[ed] that [there] might be more life on any planet or galaxy because the world is big an[d] we only know a little bit of it." --- 10-year-old
- "Science is fun!"