Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures

Science in the Media -Session 3: Sharing the New Discovery


Now that you have learned about the new discovery, you have to tell the world. You should have already chosen an intended audience and media source, now you need to prepare to write your article (or script, if you are doing a podcast or video). Use the steps below to plan and write your piece.

Collect background Information:

  • Intended Audience
  • Media Source
  • Key Vocabulary Words
  • What words need to be defined for your audience?
  • How will this discovery be important to your audience? Why will they want to know about this discovery?

Use the following guidelines to create an outline:

  1. Start with a headline. The headline shouldn't be a summary of the article. Instead, it should get the reader's attention.
  2. The first paragraph is your lead paragraph. In the first few sentences, answer the five W questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Do not tease or try to trick your reader; be simple and specific.
  3. Next come detail paragraphs, where you will give amplification and explanation. These paragraphs are where you should indicate why the discovery will be important to the public and other astronomers. It is a good idea to include one or two quotes from people in these paragraphs as well.
  4. In the last paragraph, try to round off your story with a quote or catchy phrase.
  5. Add a by-line to the end of the story to state who wrote the article: "By …"
  6. Decide where illustrations will go, if any.

Finally, write your article or write and produce your podcast or video.