Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
Jun 02 , 2005

Okay, now I understand

by XRS

Okay, now I understand about this “rainy season” thing. It’s been raining hard since about 11PM last night, and looks to keep dumping on us all day. This explains the 2-foot deep ditches beside all the roads.

Bad news! Now they’ve delayed the first possible launch date to July 6. That rots. Something about swapping out the nozzle at the bottom of the 3rd stage rocket. Well, since I’ll be strapped to that stage, I guess I’d rather play it safe. Still, it’s just that much more rain to wait through. Not that it rains in my clean room, but still. Depressing.

Jun 01 , 2005

There sure are a lot of people

by XRS

There sure are a lot of people buzzing around And all because of me! More rocket people arrive each day. Today we had a dry run for the rehearsal of the launch. I think we should have practiced for the dry run, myself. Actually, the rehearsal will be fun. That’s on Saturday.

May 31 , 2005

Just finished another 2-day test

by XRS

Just finished another 2-day test. Nobody trusts me to take care of myself. It was just a long truck ride, not like I was being launched into space or something. Although with all those sharp turns on the road I was beginning to feel a little green around the solar panels, I must admit. Oh well, it was nice to cool down and see some x-rays again. And of course I passed the test just fine, like there was any chance I wouldn’t.