Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
Aug 02, 2012

‘Cry’ of a Shredded Star Heralds a New Era for Testing Relativity

Last year, astronomers discovered a quiescent black hole in a distant galaxy that erupted after shredding and consuming a passing star. Now researchers have identified a distinctive X-ray signal observed in the days following the outburst that comes from matter on the verge of falling into the black hole.

Dec 10, 2009

Suzaku Catches Retreat of a Black Hole’s Disk

Studies of one of the galaxy’s most active black-hole binaries reveal a dramatic change that will help scientists better understand how these systems expel fast-moving particle jets.

Oct 05, 2006

Scientists Nudge Closer to the Edge of a Black Hole

NASA scientists and their international partners using the new Japanese Suzaku satellite have collected a startling new set of black hole observations, revealing details of twisted space and warped time never before seen with such precision. The observations include clocking the speed of a black hole’s spin rate and measuring the angle at which matter… Continue reading »