Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
Sep 10 , 2004

WOOHOO!! I’m finally on my spacecraft!

by XRS

WOOHOO!! I’m finally on my spacecraft! They woke me up early this morning, because we all knew it would be a long and exciting day. My spacecraft had been sitting just down the hall for weeks now, and I was getting so impatient to hop on board. But today was the day.

They put me on first, and then they put on the frame for the telescopes. It’s called an ‘optical bench’, but it doesn’t look like a bench at all. It’s the framework that will keep everything aligned, so that I can see all of the cool stuff from the telescopes when I’m up in space.

Soon they’ll be adding the other instruments and telescopes and hardware. But for the moment, this is my ride. I’ve been waiting for this day for ages.

Installing XRS on the Suzaku spacecraft
Getting into my place on the spacecraft
Installing the optical bench on Suzaku
Getting the optical bench ready for installation
Installing the optical bench on Suzaku
The optical bench installed on the spacecraft

Aug 26 , 2004

All my tests are done

by XRS

All my tests are done (at least for now), and the Goddard team is packing up. They make as much commotion leaving as they did coming! But I know they’ll be back.

At least Japan beat Canada in baseball for the Bronze medal!

Aug 25 , 2004

We did the last vibration test this morning

by XRS

We did the last vibration test this morning. This was the z axis – i.e. up and down. It not only vibrates, but there’s also a “thurst” test. So this is like getting a kick in the pants! But everything still checked out, so I’m ready for the next step.

XRS instrument after vibration test
Good thing I’m not afraid of heights!

Here’s a picture of me being moved after the vibration tests. The view was pretty good, but I was afraid they were going to do a drop test!

I guess all this is not unlike how astronauts have to train for space flight. They have to go through all these physicals and make sure they can tolerate the launch. I have to go through the same thing. All of this is to make sure that I work when I get into space. Alot of people are counting on me!

Now everyone is disappointed (not with me, fortunately). Japan’s baseball team in the Olympic tournament lost to Australia in the semi-final game. So the best they can get now is bronze.