Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
May 14 , 2004

Sorry I haven’t written for a while

by XRS

Sorry I haven’t written for a while. The Japenese team here is continuing to build up layers on the neon dewar. It’s tedious, but they are very careful workers and want to get it done right. Here’s a picture of what I look like now.

XRS while neon layers are added to the dewar

Apr 28 , 2004

Everyones going on vacation

by XRS

Everyone said “Sayonara, mata isshuukango ni.” Everyone is going on vacation! Tomorrow starts “Golden Week” when there are 4 national holidays. The first is Greenery Day, a national holiday devoted to nature (it used to an emperor’s birthday). May 3 is “Constitution Day” which celebrates the new Japanese constitution after WWII. Kind of sounds like July 4 – I wonder if they have parades? And May 5 is “Children’s Day”, but it’s actually for boys (girls got their day in March). Amidst all this there’s Kite Flying festivals, Flower festivals etc.

But my favorite is May 4 – “Between Day.” They figured out that it’s no good going to work the day between two holidays. So they make that one a holiday too!

Many people travel, but more stay home and relax. I guess that’s what I’ll do!

Apr 14 , 2004

Things have been progressing slowly

by XRS

Things have been progressing slow but sure here. The Japanese are putting on more layers of thermal blankets and lids. All of this will help keep the neon cold (at 17 K), which will keep my liquid helium cold (at 1.3 K), which will keep me cold.

Living in another culture is funny. The world you grow up in all seems so natural that you really don’t notice those ordinary everyday things that go on around you. Going to another country really is starting a new life. You notice the little things people around are doing, because the people back home don’t do those things! Like using chopsticks or bowing as a way of saying hello. From my Japanese friends, I’m learning about Japanese traditions.

There’s one American tradition I’m glad I don’t have to worry about today. I don’t have to do my income taxes!