Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
Mar 25 , 2004

Checking for leaks

by XRS

Today they replaced my cover with one the Japanese made. The big project was to pump down the neon dewar and check to make sure it didn’t leak with me in it. We didn’t start that until late, and it took about 6 hours. Scott stayed up with me until about 2 AM. But no leaks. So I’m in here good and tight!

Mar 25 , 2004

Leak test done

by XRS
Top view of the XRS

Now with the leak test done, I’m back up to regular atmospheric pressure and temperature. Now its time for more checks. Lots of conversation, not all of which I’m getting. Scott translates when necessary. I try, “Mouichido, yukkuri itte kudasai” – sometimes it works!

Mar 19 , 2004

Today was a big day!

by XRS
Inserting the XRS into the neon dewar

Today was a big day! They hoisted me up on a crane and inserted me into the neon dewar which has been waiting here for me. The neon dewar will help keep me cold.

Everyone put on their “bunny suits” and their masks. Then they attached me to the crane and then positioned me over the dewar (it’s just this big tank with a hole in it). Then they slowly lowered me in. Nobody seemed nervous about whether I’d be too big or too small. You’d think that since this is the first time we’ve seen each other there’d be problems. But no, we fit like a glove!

Everyone was really excited when the job was done. They even went off and had a little party! I was a little mad that I didn’t get to go, but it was cool to have a little time to myself after being so busy. Man, I’m going to have to stop making comments about things being “cool” now because everything is going to be “cool.”