Collaboration Across Cultures Global Astronomy: Collaboration Across Cultures
Jun 28, 2005

They're doing a lot of work

by XRS
Putting plumbing in place
Putting in the plumbing

They're doing a lot of work with the electrical and plumbing stuff today, to get ready for the final tests and launch preparations. I got a photo of Ochi-san and Yoshida-san putting some of the plumbing in place that will cool down the Neon in one of the dewars around me. That white curved thing is the nose fairing outside of me, and they just go in through that little hole and keep the dewars full. That's one of the holes that the rocket techs will close up before launch.

While all of this is getting done, I've got some time to myself. It's probably the last break I'll have before launch! I saw the schedule they've got planned for me, and it's a doozy. I've got more tests (it's always more tests), cooldown, and final positioning for launch. We even have a rehearsal for launch, so everything will go smoothly on the actual day. I think I'll take a nap while I still can!