Universe Mash-Up
Try your hand at mashing-up the Universe!
In formal terms, a mash-up is a piece (image, audio or video) created by combining two or more sources of media into a new derivative work. A picture of American Gothic, the famous painting by Grand Wood, with the farmer and his wife replace by the President and First Lady would be an example of a photo mash-up. A video collage of Homer Simpson's many renditions of the word "d'oh" would be an example of a video mash-up.
We've put a spin on mash-ups to highlight the science, people, and history featured in our Cosmic Times materials. In particular, we have designed this project to focus on the theme of tracing our understanding of the expanding Universe over the past century.
Watch an example Universe Mash-up below. Or if you're ready to create your own, use the links following the example to find our media archive and to read more on how these can be used in the classroom.
If this video is blocked, you can watch it on TeacherTube or download it (.mov; 14.4 MB)