In the Classroom

Using the Cosmic Times Universe Mash-up Project, students will creatively connect with the science, history, and personalities behind our understanding of the expanding Universe. This project weaves together the artistic aspects of creating visual media with rigorous research and script-writing, giving students a better understanding of their topic while having a little fun.
The purpose of this lesson is to engage students in the big questions of our Universe through a media mash-up project-based lesson related to the Cosmic Times educational resources. The advantages of the lesson include engaging students, inspiring creativity, using media mash-up technology; acquiring knowledge through differentiated instruction; and presenting their knowledge, ideas and individual perspectives.
Access the lesson online using links in this outline or download a PDF or Word document with the lesson using the links in the Downloads section.
- Introduction
- Engagement: Introduction
- Exploration: Pre-production
- Explanation: Video Production and Post-Production
- Evaluation
- Extension: Sharing the Mash-ups
- Resources
- Universe Mash-up Lesson plan
- Student Handouts (these are contained in the full lesson plan as well)
- Universe Mash-up Introductory Video
- From the Inside Out, example mash-up video
- Universe Mash-Up Hints and How-To