Cosmic Times

Universe Mash-Ups Lesson Plan
Engagement: Four Corners Activity

Four Corners is a cooperative teaching strategy used here to help students focus in on a topic for their Universe Mash-up project. This activity assumes the students already have some familiarity with the Cosmic Times materials and topics.


Label the four corners of the room: Corner 1, Corner 2, Corner 3, and Corner 4



  • Write on the board:
    When it comes to what I know about the Universe, I am an/a ____
    EXPERT - Corner 1
    AMATEUR - Corner 2
    NOVICE - Corner 3
    BEGINNER - Corner 4
  • Have students go to the corner they feel best describes them.
  • Students in each corner pair up and share what they know about the Universe. Students paraphrase what their partners said with their partner. Then each student shares with the corner group.
  • One spokesperson from each corner shares with the class.

Narrow Topic for Universe Mash-up project

  • Write the following on the board:
    I am most interested in doing a mash-up project about _________
    TECHNOLOGIES - Corner 2
    BIOGRAPHIES - Corner 3
  • Have students go to the corner that matches their interest.
  • The students in each corner group pair up and share with their partner why they picked that particular corner. Students paraphrase what their partners said with their partner. Then each shares with the corner group.
  • One spokesperson from each corner group shares with the class.
  • Students then go back to their desk and write down one or two particular topics they want to focus on for their Universe Mash-up project.

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A service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Andy Ptak (Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/GSFC